Canonical Visitation in Sacred Heart Province Tinsukia
The Superior General, Rev. Sr. Philomena Mathew began her canonical visitation in the Province of Tinsukia, North Assam towards the end of February and ended in mid-April 2022. It was a precious opportunity for sisters to meet the Superior General in person after the long break of the pandemic. Mother Philomena takes the place of the founder, Bishop Stephen Ferrando. She went around the communities in strengthening and encouraging the sisters through conferences, personal talk and animation programme to continue the original charism, spirit, spirituality and traditions of the congregation as willed by the founder. She emphasized on the radical following of Christ according to the Gospel and the Constitutions, and to bring newness in the religious commitment and mission. She urged the sisters to see the face of God in suffering people and to become another Christ to alleviate the misery caused by human selfishness and ignorance.
The visit of the mother general was a moment of time together in prayer, meals and recreation with the sisters, boarding children and other staff in the communities. It was a platform for each sister to be heard, to share their challenges, struggles and progress of the mission they are entrusted with. Sisters were delighted and were happy to have had the opportunity of meeting Mother. It was a time of blessings and unending happiness. The sisters of the province expressed their gratitude to the Almighty God who carefully mapped out the whole plan of the visitation and the benevolent blessings the Province received through this event. At the end of her visitation in each community, Mother shared her impressions with all the sisters collectively and gave enriching inputs for the continuation of the journey as Missionary Sisters.
The canonical visitation is shared by the General Council in case of need. All the councillors were divided according the area and were delegated by the Superior General for the canonical visitation. All of them have successfully completed the visitation and are back to the Generalate. At the end of the visitation the provincial and her councillors met the Superior General and the General councillors in the generalate, to study and to evaluate the current state of the province and to make improvement if needed.
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