Convent Blessing at Ponda Do Ouro
The auspicious day finally dawned on 10 November 2015, when the newly built convent of the Sisters was blessed and inaugurated by His Excellency Francisco Chimoyo, Archbishop of Maputo Mozambique.

The blessing was preceded by a solemn Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Archbishop and concelebrated by Fr. Petrus Kullu MSFS, the Delegation Superior of Mozambique, Fr. Henry, Parish Priest of Bela Vista, Fr. Jijo Thomas, Chaplain of Our Lady of Fatima Church, Ponta Do Ouro and two newly arrived missionaries - Fr. Vineesh Thomas and Fr. Peter Thomas. The liturgical celebration was animated by the faithful of the Ponta Do Ouro community with the help of Bro. Poomagan.
The blessing of the Convent which is about three kilometres away from Ponta Do Ouro was witnessed by faithful and special invited guests. The ceremony was officiated by the Archbishop Francisco Chimoyo with a special prayer and cutting of the ribbon at the entrance, while the people intoned a hymn invoking the Holy Spirit. Sr. Mary Clara and Sr. Saroj, the pioneers, accompanied the Archbishop for the blessing of the house and its premises.
Sr. Mary Clara Topno, the Animator of the Community voiced the sentiments of gratitude to His Excellency Francisco Chimoyo for inviting the MSMHC to his diocese and for all his support and encouragement. She then thanked Fr. Petrus Kullu MSFS, the Delegation Superior, Fr. Ranjit Tirkey MSFS, the Delegation Bursar and the entire Fransalian family of Mozambican Mission for their initiatives, wholehearted cooperation and support.