Through the apostolate of education the Congregation aims at imparting value- based education for the harmonious development of the physical, moral and intellectual endowments of the children, forming them to be integrated persons to emulate in every strata of life. The infallible power of this unified vision is translated into reality in the devoted service and whole-hearted commitment of our sisters. The students are given quality education irrespective of their caste, creed and economic background.
Pope Francis on the Ascension: Christ 'does not want to limit our freedom' by his presence
Reflecting on the feast of the Ascension, Pope Francis on Sunday discussed…

Canonical Visitation Tinsukia Province
Canonical Visitation in Sacred Heart Province Tinsukia The Superior General…
Pope Francis Breathes on Chrism Oil
Pope Francis breathes on chrism oil, a gesture symbolizing the infusion of…